Animal Services at Northwest Arkansas National Airport

Logo of Runway Rovers XNA

Runway Rovers are volunteer therapy animals who provide comfort and affection to all they meet at XNA. Be on the lookout for our furry friends. We request that you provide us with a notice of at least 72 hours before requesting a Runway Rover. As our therapy dogs are limited, it is not guaranteed that you will be provided with a Runway Rover.


Guest Pass FAQs

Therapy Animal Program

Collect the Trading Cards!

Runway Rovers are volunteer therapy animals who provide comfort and affection to all they meet at XNA. Be on the lookout for our furry friends.


Meet the Animals

Runway Rovers Volunteer Application

In an effort to make traveling at XNA a more memorable and enjoyable experience, we are now calling on certified therapy dog owners and their furry companions to volunteer at XNA! Runway Rovers volunteers will get the opportunity to enhance the customer service experience at XNA by helping passenger’s un-stress through interactions with their certified therapy dog, and by providing excellent customer service.

Download the Runway Rover Volunteer Packet